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The Book of Songs is also known as “Song of Songs” or “Song of Solomon”. The title "Song of Songs" (shïr hashshïrïm, Song of Songs 1:1) is a superlative meaning "The best of songs". It was the first of five scrolls ("Hamesh Megillot") to be read on Jewish holidays and used during Passover. The five scrolls are: Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther. The traditional attribution of the book to Solomon (10th century BC) is based on the references made to it (So 1,1; So 3,7; So 3,9; So 3,11; So 8,11) , especially in title verse (Song 1:1). Some think that Solomon wrote this song in his youth, before acquiring his huge harem. Others think that the book of Songs reflects the love of a young Israelite shepherd boy and his bride, creating the fantasy of being “king and queen” for a day.